!Best for the World logo1
We are thrilled to be included in the annual B Corporation "Best for the World2" list in the Best for Workers category. Relevance has been a BCorporation since 20093. Being a B Corporation means we're dedicated to using the power of business to create value for our community as well as for our customers and employees. Our employees are at the heart of our business, so we're delighted to be recognized as a great place for them!
For more information about becoming a B Corp, visit the B Corporationwebsite4.
http://thinkrelevance.com/media/BAhbBlsHOgZmSSJFMjAxMi8wMy8xNS8xNy8zMy80Ny8yNDgvU2NyZWVuX1Nob3RfMjAxMl8wM18xNV9hdF8xLjMwLjUyX1BNLnBuZwY6BkVU/Screen%20Shot%202012-03-15%20at%201.30.52%20PM.png?sha=382a1971 ↩
http://www.bcorporation.net/index.cfm/nodeID/639DD431-0528-43F6-83F2-C8D08619D17E/fuseaction/content.page ↩
http://www.bcorporation.net/relevance ↩
http://www.bcorporation.net/ ↩