You wouldn’t consider developing a Rails application without having a solid test suite for your Ruby code, but you’ve somehow convinced yourself to cross your fingers and look the other way when it comes to JavaScript. It doesn’t have to be that way.
Meet Blue Ridge, a Rails plugin that brings the goodness of test-driven and behavior-driven development to your unobtrusive JavaScript code in a Rails-friendly manner.
Historically, when selecting a JavaScript testing solution, you were forced to choose whether you wanted a framework that could run your tests in the browser or one that could only run your tests in a headless fashion. By providing a friendly convention-over-configuration wrapper around a collection of open source tools, Blue Ridge gives us the best of both worlds: fast, automation-friendly, and headless testing plus the ability to run your tests in whichever browser is acting up on any given day.
Last summer, Blue Ridge was just a twinkle in our eye. Last week, Blue Ridge made its public debut at RailsConf. Today, we’re pleased to announce version 1.0.
First, install Blue Ridge into your Rails app:
./script/plugin install git://
./script/generate blue_ridge
Blue Ridge creates a small example spec to get you started. Run your JavaScript specs to make sure that all is well so far:
rake test:javascripts
(Hint: You can also use the `spec:javascripts` or `examples:javascripts` aliases. Blue Ridge is compatible with your testing framework of choice, be it test/unit, RSpec, Micronaut, Shoulda, test-spec, etc.).
Next, try running an individual spec. When you installed Blue Ridge, it created a spec file named “application_spec.js”. You can run it like so:
rake test:javascripts TEST=application
Of course, you really want to generate a spec that’s specific to your app. Let’s say you want to write some tests for a JavaScript file called “public/javascripts/graphics.js”. Run:
./script/generate javascript_spec graphics
rake test:javascripts TEST=graphics
Cool. We can run our JavaScript specs from the command line, and they’re fast! But you just got a bug report regarding JavaScript errors in IE6 (die already!), and you want to write some tests to prove (and then resolve) the bug. To run your spec inside a web browser, simply load the HTML fixture associated with the spec (e.g., “test/javascripts/fixtures/graphics.html” for the tests in “graphics_spec.js”) and see the results of running the tests in that specific browser.
Check out the README for more information on the directory layout and a detailed description of the various Blue Ridge components.
Blue Ridge wouldn’t quite fit into the Rails ecosystem if it didn’t come equipped with a few opinions. So by default, it assumes you’re using jQuery. “application_spec.js”, which was generated when you installed the plugin, includes an example of calling jQuery functions inside a test.
Screw.Unit(function() {
describe("Your application javascript", function() {
it("provides cliché example", function() {
expect("hello").to(equal, "hello");
it("accesses the DOM from fixtures/application.html", function() {
expect($('.select_me').length).to(equal, 2);
And, no, we don’t actually encourage you to write tests for standard libraries like JQuery and Prototype; it just makes for an easy demo.
If you prefer Prototype, no problem: “Have it your way.”
require("../../public/javascripts/prototype.js", {onload: function() {
Screw.Unit(function() {
describe("Your application javascript", function() {
it("accesses the DOM from fixtures/application.html", function() {
expect($$('.select_me').length).to(equal, 2);
Put jQuery into “no conflict” mode to give the `$` function back to Prototype, require `prototype.js`, and chain any files that are dependent on `prototype.js` in the `onload` callback. Done. Your Prototype-based tests await you.
Blue Ridge includes Smoke, a JavaScript mocking and stubbing toolkit somewhat similar to Mocha. Assume we’re testing a function called `calculateTotalCost`, and you want to ensure that it calls `calculateComponentPrice` for each given component. That test might look something like so:
it("calculates the total cost of a contract by adding the prices of each component", function() {
var componentX = {}, componentY = {};
.with_arguments(componentX).exactly(1, "time").and_return(42);
.with_arguments(componentY).exactly(1, "time").and_return(24);
expect(SalesContract.calculateTotalCost([componentX, componentY])).to(equal, 66);
Running individual specs from the command line is an essential feature, but if you use TextMate like we do, you’d rather not have to leave your editor in order to run a spec. If this describes your development style, take the Blue Ridge TextMate Bundle for a spin.
cd ~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/
git clone git:// Blue\ Ridge.tmbundle
Once you reload your bundles (or restart TextMate), just hit Command-R to run the currently-open spec directly from TextMate.
And be sure to check out the snippets as well. Type `it`, `des`, `bef`, or `aft`, and then press the tab key to expand into full `it` blocks, `describe` blocks, etc.
Want more examples? To see Blue Ridge in action inside a working Rails app, check out the Blue Ridge sample application. Among other things, the sample app includes examples of:
Blue Ridge is guaranteed to be bug free and fulfill your every need, or your money back! Of course, in lieu of a full refund, you’re welcome to hop over to the project’s GitHub issue tracker to let us know about any issues or ideas for possible improvements. Even better, fork the repo and start hacking! If you have patches, send us pull requests.
Now, go forth and give your JavaScript code the testing love it deserves!