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You (or your CI) can get REBL and/or Datomic dev-local directly from the Cognitect dev-tools maven repository using the e-mail that you requested access with and the password displayed below. Please do not share these credentials.

First you must configure tools.deps and/or maven to access the Cognitect maven repo using these instructions. Thereafter you can use ordinary maven dependency entries for the libraries/versions that you need:


Common Configuration

Your password is: maven-password for the email maven-email

Both tools.deps and maven configurations require thew following step:

Add a new server entry under servers in your ~/.m2/settings.xml as shown below.

<!-- in ~/.m2/settings.xml -->

If you do not currently have a ~/.m2/settings.xml then the above snippet, with the ellipses removed, is a complete configuration.


Add an entry under the :mvn/repos key in your ~/.clojure/deps.edn file. You only need to do this once, nothing else needs to be done per-project to specify maven information.

;; in ~/.clojure/deps.edn
:mvn/repos {"cognitect-dev-tools"
             {:url ""}}}

If you do not currently have a ~/.clojure/deps.edn then the above snippet, with the ellipses removed, is a complete configuration.


In each project, add a <repository> entry to the appropriate pom.xml file.

<!-- in pom.xml -->
    <name>Cognitect dev-tools</name>


Leiningen supports 3 methods of Authentication: GPG, profile-based and environment based.

This example uses environment based authentication. The other methods work as well.

Add the following to your project's project.clj, removing ellipses where appropriate:

:repositories [...
               ["cognitect-dev-tools" {:url      ""
                                       :username :env
                                       :password :env}]]

You can then export your username and password as environment variables. Run the following commands in your shell:

export LEIN_USERNAME=maven-email
export LEIN_PASSWORD=maven-password

To verify these variables, you can start a repl and run (System/getenv "LEIN_PASSWORD").

Token-based authentication

The previous token-based authentication is deprecated and will be turned off at the end of 2020.